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Launching my new website! What to expect from this? New website for travels and analog photography

Launching my new website! What to expect from this? New website for travels and analog photography

For those of you who are new here, I'll share a little bit about myself here and point you to my old space here (just in Spanish), where I used to share my travels and stories. I had quite a few visitors and connected with people whom I feel I helped in their own journeys, in one way or another. Back in 2020, I stopped writing and uploading things for various reasons: lack of storage space, inability to design it exactly as I wanted, loss of motivation, and so on.

Launching in July 2023

This month, July 2023, I finally launch my project and one of my dreams. Essentially, it's about organizing the chaos in my head and my ideas into one place and opening that window to others. I find it fascinating that this can reach someone in the Philippines, Alaska, or my hometown. I enjoy writing, taking photos, and creating random idea projects that come to me in the shower, while walking with my headphones on, or in moments when my mind drifts away during a conversation (some of you will know what moment I'm talking about). Some of my best ideas have also come to me while dancing in a nightclub. I enjoy learning new things and continuing to educate myself in different areas. I always say that I need multiple lifetimes to do everything I want, but well, you have to start somewhere, and this is a checkmark on an idea that I've turned into reality and that I hope will accompany me for a long time.

What to expect from this space 🪐

And well, putting all of this into practice and being relatively consistent has led me to share with you my new website called Patricia Alvaro (I racked my brain quite a bit for the name). I started from scratch at the beginning of 2023 when I discovered that Wix is more intuitive than WordPress and provides more design freedom. Although I still don't feel like I've fully started, I've taken the step of starting to share it with you. There are still buttons that don't work, pages that I haven't translated, designs that are cut off, and so on. Here you will see everything from a solo trip I took to Sri Lanka to my recent fascination with analog photography, as well as individual projects or collaborations (most of them related to digital photography). And the main question after launching my new website! What to expect from this? New website for travels and analog photography

This place combines digital photography, analog photography, and travel blogging to inspire and educate. Explore captivating visuals that showcase the beauty of both digital and film photography. Immerse yourself in travel stories and gain inspiration for your next adventure. Engage with a passionate community of photographers and travel enthusiasts. Stay updated with fresh content that covers the latest trends and techniques. Get ready for a captivating journey that celebrates the art of photography and the joy of travel.

I love feedback feedback feedback, even more when it is about something that can make me improve

I hope you like it, and I'm happy to hear what you think and how can I improve certain areas, don't be shy:) My next post will be about one of the most special trips I've done, which will come in the next few days. This adventure, had to wait almost 3 years since I had the initial idea. But it had to be this way. And all I can tell you is that the wait was worth it. I finally went on the trip in October 2022, for one month instead of two weeks, with two adventurers instead of one :) and visited six islands instead of two. I will write about this trip very, very soon. Stay tuned!

See you soon! and welcomeeeeeeee, very happy to have you here 🌱

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